Friday, June 26, 2009

26 June 2009

This past year has been a little rough on myself as well as the rest of the world. Tonight, however, as I'm sitting in the coffee shop (my second home in Florence) I have some specific things on my mind. I guess the only place to start is at the beginning:

I wonder why lifetime connections so easily diminish in such a quick time. How can you be best friends with someone your entire life and then so easily be replaced by someone else. When that friend was the one person you could always rely on and then that friend turns into the person that ignores your calls or "forgets" about you.

I also wonder how a guy that has known me my entire life and even had hand in raising me (since i was best friends with his daughter growing up) doesn't care to speak to me when he sees me.

Where in our daily lives do we lose sense of living. My youth pastor used to say "are you a liver or a survivor?" and I think I've become a liver. I forget that I am leaving a legacy with my every action and word. then the reality hits me when someone dies that you never thought would die. The person that you thought would outlive the rest of the world, doesn't. there is no warning with death, it just happens. It reminds me to watch what i say and do. it reminds me to actually live... not to get bogged down in the daily mundane things; that i do have dreams and I may not live long enough to reach them so i have to do what I can now... before I'm out of time.

Questions to ponder (as will I):

  • Who would show up to your funeral?

  • Do your loved ones know how much they mean to you?

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